Since it’s discovery several years ago in an antiques shop by artist Tom Stanford, this photo of Vincent Van Gogh has caused much controversy. According to photo historian Joseph Buberger, the Van Gogh “authorities” refuse to admit that this is indeed a photo of Van Gogh because it would in turn cast doubt on what we know as “official” photos of Van Gogh –
you know, those other photos that look nothing like his self portraits. What would be so bad in admitting that those photos were actually of Van Gogh’s brother Theo or his cousin(s)?
On several web sites, this photo was posted -- asking the question, “Did Vincent Van Gogh trace his self-portraits?” --
a David Hockney theory of sorts. Out of a total of about 100,000 responses, no one even thought to rebuke the assumption that the photo was actually Vincent. So why hasn’t it been made official by the art world?
Here’s what a reader from the Netherlands had to say:
“Zelfs een blinde ziet nog wel dat dit Vincent is,op de foto ziet hij er wat ouder uit,maar zeker!! hij is het”
English Translation:
“Even a blind man will see that this is still Vincent, on the picture he sees somewhat older, but certainly! It is”
What do
you think?
Happy Birthday Vovo!