Since it’s discovery several years ago in an antiques shop by artist Tom Stanford, this photo of Vincent Van Gogh has caused much controversy. According to photo historian Joseph Buberger, the Van Gogh “authorities” refuse to admit that this is indeed a photo of Van Gogh because it would in turn cast doubt on what we know as “official” photos of Van Gogh – you know, those other photos that look nothing like his self portraits. What would be so bad in admitting that those photos were actually of Van Gogh’s brother Theo or his cousin(s)?
On several web sites, this photo was posted -- asking the question, “Did Vincent Van Gogh trace his self-portraits?” -- a David Hockney theory of sorts. Out of a total of about 100,000 responses, no one even thought to rebuke the assumption that the photo was actually Vincent. So why hasn’t it been made official by the art world?
Here’s what a reader from the Netherlands had to say:
“Zelfs een blinde ziet nog wel dat dit Vincent is,op de foto ziet hij er wat ouder uit,maar zeker!! hij is het”
English Translation:
“Even a blind man will see that this is still Vincent, on the picture he sees somewhat older, but certainly! It is”
What do you think?
Happy Birthday Vovo!
Yes, it is surprising Master! You would think the people at the the VG museum or foundation would be more concerned. Maybe that is because they don't have it and cannot buy it! Poor Vincent, more denial!!
Please google to see what's happening now.
I think Vincent's first successful self portrait was his tracing from this photograph. I believe it is the foundation for his self-portraits!
Dear Master,
A letter to me from Pascal Bonafoux, 2001. He wrote six (6) books on Vincent including "The Passionate Eye" VGs self portraits AND "Van Gogh, Portraits And Letters"
Subject: Re: photo
Date: Thursday, March 4, 2004 4:13 AM
From: Pascal Bonafoux
To: Joe Buberger
Conversation: photo
Thank you very much! Your discovery is fantastic!!!
As you can imagine, I would like to know how you have found this
photograph of Vincent van Gogh as well as il would be very interreting
to read the text by Albert Harper, even if, looking at this photograph
I have no doubt: this man is Vincent him-self.
Let me apologise if I didn't gave you an answer immediately, but I am
in charge of an exhibition to be opened at the end of the month here in
Paris (MOI! autoportraits du XXe siècle or if you Prefer I, self
portraits of the last century.) This exhibition will present more than
150 pieces. As you can imagine I am a little bit busy…
But, one more time, thank you very much for this wonderful discovery.
Best regards
Pascal Bonafoux
Sorry for the imperfect way I am writing in english…
Le 2 mars 04, à 00:02, Joe Buberger a écrit :
> Hi Pascal,
Works by Pascal Bonafoux
Van Gogh: The Passionate Eye 162 copies, 1 review
Rembrandt: Master of the Portrait 48 copies
Rembrandt: Substance and Shadow (New Horizons) 32 copies
Vermeer 22 copies
Louvre Game Book: Play With The Largest Museum In The World 20 copies
A Weekend with Rembrandt (Weekend With...Ser.) 14 copies
Van Gogh: Self Portraits With Accompanying Letters from Vincent to His… 9 copies
Rembrandt : self-portrait 9 copies
Van Gogh (Masters of Modern Art) 7 copies
Behind the scenes in Versailles 6 copies
European Art 6 copies
Portraits of the artist : the self-portrait in painting 5 copies
Moi! Autoritratti del XX secolo 4 copies
The Impressionists - Portraits and Confidences 4 copies
Vincent van Gogh, Das Licht der Farbe 3 copies
Jean Vérame, Tibesti : le désert et la couleur 2 copies
Rives 2 copies
Rodin & eros 2 copies
Zu Gast bei Dali 2 copies
Autoportraits du XXe siècle 2 copies
Cézanne, portrait (avec un CD-Rom) 2 copies
Le musée du Luxembourg à Paris 1 copy
Van Gogh par Vincent 1 copy
Monet : biografia 1 copy
delacroix, les dernières années 1 copy
L'Autoportrait au XXe siècle 1 copy
Ladurée : instants gourmands 1 copy
Vincent van Gogh 1 copy
Les carnets de Degas 1 copy
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