I'm still tryin' to make it! -- 93 years young -- still tryin' to make it! Oh well... Guess I'll go back up to the house and look at CNN! --Pinetop Perkins 2006 [He likes lots of bacon, smokes plenty of cigarettes and does not practice Tai Chi --Ed]
Howlin’ Wolf said, “The blues, the blues, everybody’s talikn’ about the blues! What is the blues? When you ain’t got no money, you got the blues! When you ain’t got no money and can’t pay your house rent, you damn sure got the blues!”
Son House said, “Ain’t but one kind of blues; And that consists between male and female that’s in love – IN LOVE! – male and female. Now I’ve been married five times – with my jerky self…”
Buddy Guy said, “If you listen to the blues your not always going to hear someone saying, “You know I lost my wife, I lost my job,” and all that. You're gonna hear ’em saying, ”I got a sweet baby, my sweet baby,” and all that stuff like that, so it’s both sides. It can be a joyful thing, and then it can be a sad song. If you come to see me play, I don’t intend to put no pain on you. My biggest job is to make somebody smile when you come see me!”
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